Soft Reject from competitor

I got question … why [MOD: Removed] is a reviewer in WordPress section … He sells products in this section and review others …

Today I get soft reject from him which aren’t from my theme … is this some kind of new limitation for non elite authors or he remove items which competite with his themes?

I think that people which are reviewers should remove all products from shop and envato should remove all other account created by them.

Sorry MOD but why You removed reviewer login ? It’s not advertise… Do You defense reviewer “mistake” ?

As per TOS and community guidelines calling out users is not allowed in the forums.

It’s not user, it’s reviewer … I do not defamation any seller. I also send email to envato and I hope they will draw the consequence of such behavior.

Conspiracy theories…

Maybe … but all I’m saying is true - He soft reject my theme - He send soft reject reasons from other theme that my ( all screenshots aren’t from my theme ) … and he sells product in that same category … really so conspiracy ? @KingDog

Because You close this topic - I can’t “It’s always best to listen to their suggestions” because soft reject reasons are for some other authors theme.

All of our Reviewers are skilled professionals. They do not reject files for no reason. It’s always best to listen to their suggestions. Thanks.