Soft Reject - Fresh theme install default appearance

Hello all,

We’ve recently submitted a theme to ThemeForest and finally have received a soft rejection - here’s what the reviewer has to say:

Just activated your theme and by default it looks like an unfinished project to me:

Which I understand - I didn’t really focus too much on default styles, since our theme is largely based on our demos that we offer one-click installation for. (I mean, let’s be real, have you all seen what Avada looks like on a fresh install?)
Anyway, I’ve tightened up the default customizer settings some and think it’s about ready to re-submit.
You can see what a fresh install, with some test data imported, looks like here:

Also, for reference, here is the main demo site/landing page for our theme, which I’ve made the theme defaults sort of mirror a bit -

I just thought I’d see what you all thought…if you think these changes are sufficient, before I re-submit.

Thanks for any input!