Slider Revolution requires Plugin Activation

Hi everybody!

I bought the Betheme, with him is included the Slider Revolutión, i make a Wordpress WEB without problems, but now in a new WEB the Plugin requires me an activation, i try to activate with betheme code but not work, say me:
“purchase code is invalid”.
I read that not neccesary a code, because the plugins come with a theme, but he requires me an activation.
I download again the betheme, an upload the SLIDER folder again, but the same result.
What is the way for activate this plugin?

I bought another theme with revolution slider inside it. It always shows the plugin need to be activated, but the Revolution Slider plugin maker said that if you got it for a bundled theme then you don’t need to activate it. I didn’t activate mine and it works normal just like the way it did.

I try to import template slider and i obtain this message:

“This feature is only available if you activate Slider Revolution for this installation”

I think then that is not activated

I never tried to import slider before, I always make my own slider. In this case maybe you can just ask the author directly :slightly_smiling:

You do not need plugin license key to use or update bundled plugins. License key can be used to receive direct support, premuim features and updates from plugin authors.

You should contact your theme author for update and import details.


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Hi there , i got slider revolution wp plugin a year ago. It was on a webite which has been cancelled by mistake (There is no more wordpress on the site).
Now i tried to install it on another one but i have to deregister first, there is a very silly procedure to do : Go to to your account > setting >Create a new API Key if one does not already exist. >Your new API Key will now be listed for you to copy into the Purchase Code reset form.
I paste the new api code inthe purchase code reset form fill out emails adresses…
Result: Verification failed, wrong API / API not connected to the Purchase Code
I can’t deactivate from the previous site (is empty) : why can’t you make it simple???
and let write an email with please deactivate the previous site??
Bad and annoying.
Of course it didn’t happenede in the first six months and now i can’t eve writing…
I write here but i’m not sure they wil answer…

But can’t ThemePunch just provide support anyway?

Well, no we can’t. Because then we’d be breaking our user agreement with Envato, and that’s where we sell our products!

But I have a legitimate problem!

i FINALLY SOLVED! By myself…
It was written in the instruction :Your new API Key will now be listed for you to copy into the Purchase Code reset form
There you have to find email confimation of your buyng and paste the purchase code you find it there.
This passage was written nowhere…
Bad and annoying