Slide show not showing full height

Slider Revolution - Premium responsive slider Version 5.2.6
WordPress Version 4.6.1


Hi, I just purchased a Slider Revolution 5.2. I have a test page with only one thing entered in the editor for content, and that’s a revolution slider shortcode [rev_slider alias=“grill_accessories”]

Even though I set the slide to a custom size of 1920 x 320 (large screen) and 1024 x 320 (laptop), the slide is showing at only 42px high. I don’t know what’s causing this, but I do notice the rev_slider is wrapped in p tags, and the paragraph is 42 px high. I don’t really know that that is the particular problem. I don’t know what the problem is.

I’ve used Rev. Slider on another website flawlessly.

As I use the web developer inspector, I see something like this in the script text of my output.class.php:

var htmlDiv = document.getElementById("rs-plugin-settings-inline-css"); var htmlDivCss="";
				if(htmlDiv) {
					htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss;
					var htmlDiv = document.createElement("div");
					htmlDiv.innerHTML = "**</p>**
<style>" + htmlDivCss + "</style>

Do you see the spurious “p” tags (in bold)? Yeah, those occur throughout the html output. For some reason WordPress is sprinkling the rev slider code with unwanted p tags.