Share your 2017 Halloween Music and Sounds

Hi guys, I thought it would be nice to share our 2017 released Halloween items here. So post your latest Halloween background music and Halloween sound effects with a short description, but 2017 items only :wink:

Here is mine, starting with a suspense piano in style of the Halloween movie and going into a spooky cinematic soundtrack with some scary sound effects:

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I like this one, especially the choirs!! :heart:

Thanks! The choir comes from the 8DIO Lacrimosa library :slight_smile:

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This is Halloween Gift!

Just for fun, this is a “Spoofy” House track with haunted Sci-Fi sprinkled!

John Carpenter style Halloween track for horror movie credits.

Here is my items for halloween events!)

Some Halloween tracks :slight_smile: I really love to compose Halloween music :heart_eyes: It is one of my favourite styles!

:musical_score: My first Halloween music piece. :jack_o_lantern::maple_leaf:

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