This guy (link removed), is reselling items from many Graphicriver Authors. How? I’ve called him and he states that he sells the customization of the items, to potential customers. Doesn’t this require an Extended License ? If not, there is a huge problem. Me and all the other authors put all the effort making the flyer, sell it for 6$, earn half of the price, while this guy sells the customization (editing texts) for 90$ or more.
I did a reverse image search for some of his items, and i got graphicriver authors as results. Some of them are
neongraphik, dusskdesign, eatmeforlunch, hotpin, mesmeriseme_pro and blerc.
What he says is that he is not selling my item, but the service of customization. In any ways, this is a ridiculous excuse. I quote envato:
Extended License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for.
Regular License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for.
Now I’ve already sent tickets to envato & facebook, since this dude made a webpage for our items… But i just wanted to share with you guys, since this matter is quite delicate.
Thoughts? Isn’t that Illegal or have I completely lost it?