Searching for a theme or plugin with multi-day event listings

I am looking for a theme that allows the following in listings that is searchable for dates in a format like this.

I need to be able to enter Events with a date range and times for festivals.

Example Thurs June 7, 2018 4-9pm , Friday and Saturday June 8, 2018 10 am – 6pm and Sunday, June 9, 2018 12 – 4 pm.

I have found several themes I love but none fit this bill. I am not a developer so I can’t do anything much custom.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Why you just don’t search on plugins not on templates.

Hi @shellirene! It sounds like the features you’re looking for might be better handled with a plugin from CodeCanyon, which you could integrate into your theme.

There are a few examples here, searching for “Events” in CodeCanyon’s WordPress category:

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Thank you for the suggestion, I will check that out.

Thank you for the suggestion and the link, I will check that out.

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