Search is unavailable on Envato since 6 hours

Hello I’d just like to know how long is takes to fix a search on the website.

Error Message

Search is unavailable
…but don’t worry, you can still discover.
We are working hard to fix this. Meanwhile you can

  • Browse popular files in PhotoDune
  • Go Back to where you were before
  • Try search again in few mintures
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Yeah, I’m with you. I’m really starting to get pissed off at this point.

Amazon AWS (storage) had an outage, looks like it’s still not fixed. Lots of websites are impacted by this

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same here! I even opened the forums for the first time! =)

Yeah. I want to buy pictures for my site.

There was major internet issues with Amazon today that affected many sites. Sorry for the inconvenience! Things should be coming back up.

I hope so. It looks like someone manually killed the “Upload new profile photo” (on the market site) page and now that Amazon S3 is back up, the page still won’t let me change my avatar! :expressionless: