Search Free Items

Hey Guys, I’m new to the forums so I apologize if this has already been asked.
I always grab the free items every month (great feature). But I recently needed to recall a free audio track that I grabbed from a long time ago. I no longer have the original file. The problem is that none of the free content shows up in my “downloads” section of my profile. Is there any way to search for the free items you may have downloaded?

Hi Russell, has anybody answered you on that topic? I have got a similar problem here. Did you find a solution?

They don’t save into your downloads - once they are expired they are gone

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I noticed that. I´m looking for specific item I downloaded as free item. I have name of the file “Happy children.wav” and its lenght 1:58, but I didn´t help me to find it. These search filters didn´t help me at all. Maybe the item I am looking for is no longer on audiojungle market, but i need to get licence for it.

Also I tried its not working. What can I do now?

Try this

Thanks, I will keep looking …