Search across All Sites in WordPress Multisite Network

I have an Avada multisete environment consisting of three site and would like to search across all sites in the WordPress Multisite Network. Is there a code for that ?

To search across all sites in a WordPress Multisite Network, you can use the function to loop through each site and perform a search query for each one. This allows you to search posts or pages across multiple sites within the network. Alternatively, you can look for existing plugins that provide multisite search functionality. A quick search in the WordPress plugin repository for multisite search might reveal ready-made solutions to make the process easier. Keep in mind that performance may vary depending on the size of your network, so testing is important.

Thank’s, I was hoping there was a css code to implement within my Avada theme.

CSS is just styling and won’t make any impact on search.

There’s lots of plugins out there that help with this like this one Multisite - SearchWP