Sales drop across all Envato platforms?

Same thing going on Envato Studio as well!? I double checked with couple of authors also. Does anybody knows what is happening!?



Yes sales have dropped big timeā€¦what the hell is going on with Envato? The support policies they introduced last year were a complete joke and my sales have taken a huge dipā€¦very disappointing.

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Sales drop happens from time to time and thats generaly ok. You could ask such a question like every day and each day you will find folks who complain about sales.

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Yea same here. a massive drop, which i already reported.

and no, sales usually drop for a day or two on certain items, not systematically all around. For example sales dropped on the 8th by 50% and stayed there, this week its a bit better but not much.

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The data for each author is complicated thing and you know that this is different for each one. May be you have systematically drop for item sales due to some reasons, but for some people sales might be increased due to other reasons, but what I wanted to say that there is always ( i mean always )people who complain about sales drop, and this is normal, because of countless factors which always might affect a single or hundred or thoushands authors sales.

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Actually, we are comparing statistics for couple of years relative to items and marketing we do. before 2016 sales were relatively predictable, meaning if your item made 5 sales on Monday you knew that it would make 6 to 7 Tuesday and go up till Thursday and then slightly down on Friday. Today it is chaos. In any business with product sales you can make future predictions (with a certain margin of error.) on the past sales and this market also had it, now you cannot.

And we also asked few fellow authors and majority confirmed.

For example by Tuesday you could know if item is going to hit top list or no. For example we had an item which on Monday sold 9 sales Tuesday we went on 3 then Wednesday 5 then Thursday 8 etc.

And all we would like to see is some overall tf stats and not just one linear line on a chart :stuck_out_tongue:

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I havenā€™t heard anything from Envato Studio for a longggg time. Are they still accepting new authors?

Sales are a mess on all marketplaces for all authors, just have a look at the popular items and see how much sales dropped, not talking to newly added items which donā€™t sell at all.

This is Envatoā€™s way to show theyā€™re in charge maybe, we get ignored each time, itā€™s just became a bad habit.
I personally donā€™t even have the power to fight this anymore, sustaining a business here is becoming harder and harder for us that have small companies and pay all the taxes and have to support all customers.

Seems many are experiencing the same. I must stress that this sales drop (at least for the established Audiojungle authors) is not recent. It happened suddenly just less than a year ago and continued to drop gradually to the point we no longer rely on making any real money here. It doesnā€™t get any better regardless of new uploads, marketing etc. Just seems very strange that it happened to so many people at exactly the same time

I think Envato are not interested anymore in marketplaces and they are focusing only on Elements :confused:
Iā€™m from codecanyon

I agree with you mate, since I read lots of stuff about tf case, despite I am not an tf author. People who made their business with tf for sure monitoring their income and can predict stuff ,no doubts for it, but anyway I am not sure that everyone here could do the same. My sales for example sometimes absolutly unpredictable, may be it is just regular author way and when I would achive elite things would change who knows, plus aj is differenet market with much less sales per author and with x10 more items compared to tf. Imagine how to predict things when you dominated by 450k+ items and you work in niche genre :stuck_out_tongue:

Our trust is lost to Envato, if they donā€™t bUUst sales somehow accidentally within next 3 months. We will stop with Envato, after it will be only worse. Their silence means exactly this.:-1:

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I agree, audio jungle is different. But there are many things envato could do but do not. From 2015 plans were in motion that did not focus much on building up envato markets but other sections and ventures. Envato focused on building there growth not Authorsā€¦ elements is a perfect exampleā€¦ then supportā€¦ for which we have to work much harder and they collect the %. Moving to USA for more customers was a misleading venture totally, from there again for us luckily only 5% taxes goes to US. VAT was one more thing that hit customers big time. Then refunds, public reviews etc. everything is effecting sales and dumping more work on us. And the main point is Envato did nothing to remedy the situation in terms of advertising, bringing more customers, on the contrary with the recent changes they are actually rerouting them elsewhereā€¦ and when wordpress and codecanyon hit elements and envato sites comes to life (and be assured envato sites will be advertised all over envato markets.)ā€¦ well game over.


Elements is a big trouble for authors indeed. Once they added gr, tf and pd, next steps might be the rest markets as well, and we might end up with great privilege (if you are lucky enough) to earn ~$200+. Which makes me afraid a little bit about future of this place at all.

One explanation could be the US election (8th Nov). The liberals of the Trump nation are still in shock.

I wholeheartly agree. While my sales stayed relatively constant trough the year, it felt more like I had work hard on it. With Envato beeing unpredicateble regarding search engine, google, promotions etc. It really gets a gamble.

Iā€™m already looking out for other marketplaces. Selling on Envato more and more feels like fighting against windmills. Itā€™s tiresome and not worth it if you donā€™t have a certain amount of exposure.

On top of that Envato Elements and Author Driven Pricing could shake the marketplace once again and Iā€™m not sure in which direction. To be honest, I donā€™t want to find outā€¦

Even if this would be the case, people are still working. They still need music, codes, footage or themes. A tremendous sales drop like this IMO canā€™t be explained by politics.


No sales in almost 5 days. This has never happened before. I will admit that I have not uploaded new items in a while, but even with that I still have consistent sales. Every month I experience small a small drop in sales. Thatā€™s to be expected with no new items. But these last few months the drops have been very significant. Seems like this started at the launch of elements.

Problem is itā€™s gotten so difficult to get items approved, I have lost interest in producing new items for GR. For the first time I am seriously considering going non-exclusive, and moving my items to other markets. When sales were good, I would have never considered this, but now I wouldnā€™t be losing much because Iā€™m not making much.


@natedilli Actually you are right [quote=ā€œnatedilli, post:38, topic:73038ā€]
Every month I experience small a small drop in sales.

Me also facing drop sale but envato doesnā€™t care about us !!! Iā€™m also considering to move, because If I donā€™t get enough for living then must find something else to survive. :disappointed:

Itā€™s a shame. Some have invested so much time and effort into this marketplace, and have no control over their destiny.

I am a full time freelancer with many clients, so itā€™s hard for me to find time to devote to the marketplace. I know much time and effort will be needed to sell my items elsewhere because not all marketplaces display items the same. So I will have to redesign previews for the various marketplaces. Not to mention time spent marketing to get those items visible. Like I said, it is a shame, but at this point it has to be done. I donā€™t see things getting better here anytime soon.

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I am on codecanyon and even though sales did drop gradually but that I assume is because I have not published new items in a long time i noticed something else which is weird. For one week I get a lot of sales then 5-6 days without sales then it starts again. Right now I am going through the no sales period. I donā€™t understand why. I am running my own ads for my items but that doesnā€™t seem to affect sales lately either. I am not sure if I should be happy that I am not the only one facing this issue (which means something can be done about it) or sad.(cause no one figured it out yet).