Rollout of HTTPS proxy for author hosted imagery

Not everyone is a devop I realise but today with its crime not to have everything under https.

I use docker:

These two together automatically generate ssl for every domain you add to nginx-proxy.

You seem to have the same problem than me with GIF’s

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We do have an upper limit on the maximum response size (currently 5MB). Do mind dropping me a personal message on here and we can have a chat about your scenario? 5MB is quite sizeable for an asset and I’d like to explore ways we can work around this for you.

Do you mind dropping me a personal message on here and I’ll have a look at your specific item use case? Thanks!

Hi and thanks a lot.
I’ve already changed the image, and now it’s “ok”…

The issue was…:
I had an image with the dimensions 590 x 750 , image was a PNG.
The only porsion visible vas 590 x 500 , in other words, my image was cut vertically.

I didn’t understand why this may happen, but just added the same image with a different name to my server, and changed the image link via ItemDescriptionEdit page, and now it works.

Who knows, maybe it happens again?

Very bizarre. All of the browser source code I have read through suggests that rendering is done top to bottom so vertical slicing shouldn’t be a thing. However, it’s very possible I’ve missed something here and we could have an edge case in how browsers are handling the rendering. I’ll touch base with some people I know who work on the browsers themselves and see if I can get any more information on what could be causing this and then I can dig further into what could be causing it on our end.

The way that the image proxying works is that it takes a hash of your image name (which is generate at application render time) and then sends that to the image proxy to decrypt the URL. This means that even a single character difference will cause a unique hash to be created. Here is an example:

>> Digest::SHA256.hexdigest 'image.png'
# => "4ee84a82b5e4c9e6651b13fd27dcf615e427ec584929f2cef7167aa99151a77a"
>> Digest::SHA256.hexdigest 'image1.png'
# => "94a7c73f9689d4c7d7c757ab060efd5812593f0d31e1d736962286c84434c5ea"

By doing this, we ensure that we create a new cache key for different files and never end up in the situation where we are serving the incorrect file for the incorrect item. You creating a new file and updating the item description would have generated a new hash and the image proxy would have requested it again but this time didn’t encounter the edge case it did previously.

Thanks very much for your reply :slight_smile:
If it happens once again, I’ll let you know.
Wish you a great week :slight_smile:

Hello, there is a good Chrome extension for automatic items update, it’s called: “Item Updater for Envato Market” by Schwartz Sound. I have tried it for updating description of my 210 items today and it works, it took like 10 minutes to set up and another 5 to be done. If you want to use it be sure to start from reading help section to learn the attribute names.


Thanks for your answer.
This morning I discovered that a GIF file on my VoluMax template wasn’t working anymore and it’s weight is 2,2MB !
Here is the original sended file :
And the item :

This one was working since the begining and today it was blank… really strange.
I re-uploaded and it worked.


Do you have any plans/ideas for add supporting send real user agent, ip, referer? I use custom statistics and for me(and other users) it’s critically.

As idea: Maybe add new block (additional description) as now, but it will load after total loading page on ajax with timeout .

From a cold start, I can see the request for taking about 16s (15s of that spent in the content download).

Subsequent loads seem fine however there is a good chance the image proxy will be the first one to hit it once the CDN expiry has elapsed so this might be causing the timeouts. To fix this, you have a couple of options:

  • Provide cache control headers on your origin so the CDN will cache it longer. I see you’re using Apache so mod_expires is probably the most flexible approach. The following might be enough to get a better cache hit ratio.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  ExpiresActive on
  ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 months"
  # Include a rule for all your images but not files.
  • Don’t use a 2.2mb image for your assets. Have a look into why this is taking 15s to download.
  • Setup HTTPS on your origin and update the links to use HTTPS and not go via the image proxy. Certbot has great documentation on how to do this with Let’s Encrypt.


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The issue isn’t so much that we don’t allow those HTTP headers, it’s that the request never goes to the origin if the CDN has a cached copy so forwarding these on isn’t really a solution.

We do have some additional tracking tools in place for Elite Authors which I’d rather see us extend to general availability then try to monkey with another description field. I definitely wouldn’t want us adding more bloat (via AJAX calls) to the item pages since we are working hard at getting these response times down as it is.

I realized about this feature a couple of days ago, I really like it :slight_smile:

Great to hear!

But additional description will be loaded only after total load page and time load will be minimal. But we can set cache time life as minimal or is it not real?
Maybe add some custom rules and disable this function for some host(list services of statistics)?

@jacobbednarz Hi,
Please check this link…:

[item link removed]

Images are not loading.

Also, there are images on the COMMENTS section, but most of them are not loading too, they are all CUT…: :frowning:

[comment link removed]

Please let me know about this,

NoteToMods…: This is NOT a promotion but a problem.

I’ve removed the links from your post (but I’ve kept them locally) so we don’t violate any of the forum rules here.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reproduce and going to the item and comment page showed all the images correctly. Would you be able to tell me which one was being cut off?


Hi and thanks once again for your reply.
And sorry for the links :slight_smile:

it’s really weird (or I am lack of knowledge), but they don’t work in my computer.
I’Ve tried FireFox / Chrome on my PC , but no.

When I check the images on other computers, and also on my mobile phones they work.
So it seems it happens only on my PC, and it’s good to know that others will be able to see my products’ images.
Thanks for clarifying this from your side too.

Anyway, still wondering what is the reason of it.