revoke my previous site and use licence in new site

My two Licences are not used because both of my site are permanently closed. I have started a new site and want to use licence to the new site. I am not finding any way to contact or get approval for my using the licence.
Its imy inadequate knowledge I am not able to get support. I am not a technical person and aged 74 years.
Any help to revoked my old site and connect to my new site.
Thank you all

You have already used the license for an end product. As per Envato’s license terms, each license can only be used for a single end product. Reusing the same license code for another end product would violate these terms. You may try reaching out to the theme/code author for assistance, but please note that the author has the right to decline your request.

What to do If the site is unsuccessful and closed for ever. I am the same person and email both holds good to claim activation on my new site.
I have lost my money. Support is very poor. They should be removed envato markets.

Thank You.
I will pray God to change this attitude of vendors who want only money and do service for poor people like me.

To reach support I have to pay again, instead I may have to buy the plugin again which is is better. Very bad sysem

You will need to get another copy if you’re unable to use the item after some specific time. You cannot transfer the license to a new project.

I don’t think you fully understand the value of the product you’re receiving from platforms like CodeCanyon or ThemeForest. If you did, you would likely appreciate the author’s work rather than reacting emotionally. The price you pay for these items is typically less than 5% of what it would cost to develop them from scratch. Moreover, you receive lifetime updates and six months of free support.

Authors need to achieve dozens of sales just to cover their basic development costs. What these authors are offering is a tremendous value. If you approached a development firm for a similar product, you’d realize how significantly higher the costs would be.

The issue here is that you’ve already used this license for one end product, and now you’re trying to use the same license for another end product. If everyone did this—using a single license across multiple projects—authors would struggle to sustain their work. It’s important to recognize the fairness in supporting authors for their hard work and ensuring they can continue creating and maintaining these valuable products.

Thank you for your support.