This is First time my Green Life HTML Template Approved within 9 days
Thanks Envato Review Team to make faster review.
Hope it will improve for WordPress and others category also !!!
Best Regards,
This is First time my Green Life HTML Template Approved within 9 days
Thanks Envato Review Team to make faster review.
Hope it will improve for WordPress and others category also !!!
Best Regards,
It took 45 days for them to review one of my items few months ago … Now it takes around 30 days and 1 day for soft-rejections , I hope they continue improving the review system …
Congratulations to you and good luck
Thanks Yes right improving …
That’s weird. After posting here, my HTML items has been reviewed but I was expecting an answer for my WP. I hope they will review it soon
Thats great, Cogratulations . Good luck for your journey on Themeforest
This has been an absolutely brilliant move by Envato! Thanks guys!
I remember the times that they were checking the themes everyday. Compared to that, this’s not a progress
Yeah, those were the days. Only a few buyers, only a few uploads. of course they were checking items everyday, there waren’t a few hundred submissions a day! It’s great! Too many files released, too little exposure. The balance is just about right now.
My html template is accepted in 7th day (Today)
Excellent !!!
Waiting time is just 5 days for HTML template now?
I am asking this because there is a author which has one approved item on 5. dec and another on 10. dec from same category - Site Templates
Depends what level author they are - could have more than one item in the queue at once.
Yes, but it is level 2 author
If they are definitely new items and not updates to older ones then it does seem quick but it’s also entirely possible that the queue does fluctuate and depend so much on what else is there at any one time