Review process needs serious changes!

Hello everyone! This message concerns Envato team mostly, don’t know how to get to them, hope they are reading the Forum. This question is a great PAIN of all authors, I’m sure.

I have rather large portfolio of more than 6500 items and I’m not a beginner in this industry. My photos have very good sale results in various photobanks including photodune and envato elements.

Every week I come to file manager and look which of my photos were deleted this time. The reason is always the same: Does not meet new photo requirements
These requirements are large quantity of demands in various areas. I have no idea how to guess the real reason of deleting. Sometimes the photos which were deleted are my hits on top of sales. I can’t understand the meaning of this check up and deleting. I upload only those things I find best of the best. And without explaining the reason of deleting I don’t understand what to change in further work and how to develop my skills.
I ask, beg and insist that the reason of deleting should be described to authors!
This situation really makes me unhappy and kills the willing to create(( I have visited the Envato meeting in Kiev, Ukraine and representative of company told me that this situation is about to change. It was long time ago, still nothing happened.


Same here bro. My best seller for two months on Ellements just got deleted :slight_smile: And there where 3 photos - all best sellers on Ellements, they just delete them after two months! This is crazy - why do you let them to get publish, get sales then delete them?
I here you, I am also not a newbie in this business, been doing this for 7 years and I can tell when a photo is good or bad and when is going to sell or not. I do not know what to do eather. I do not think the Envato stuff reads this, at least not in the Photodune category, this category of the forum is dead for more than a year now.

I am also not a newbie, i am paying attention what i am uploading to Photodune. They are deleting good images (without a specific reason), totally random, with good sales on other stock sites. I really don’t know what to upload…because i don’t want to be banned…