Yes I know they say this item is hard rejected and can not be resubmitted until enough changes are made so that the item can be considered a completely new item.
That makes sense when rejection is based on arrangement/composition/commercial value.
But what when they reject on the grounds of bad samples/mixing/mastering ?
Updating to better samples and remixing/mastering obviously will not result to something completely different?
How do i resubmit improved version than avoiding being punished for reupload?
Just add a note to the reviewer stating the track was previously rejected but that you have considerably improved the mix/samples/mastering and you are not trying to abuse the system.
You think it would do? You done so?
As a matter of fact I have, once. I really thought it was one of my best track and was not ready to let go. A fellow author on here kindly offered to redo the mix and I reuploaded with a note attached similar to what I wrote in my previous post.
Nothing bad happened to me As long as you’re being honest, there is nothing wrong with trying to improve your work. Just don’t push it.
Ok, thank you, you helped