Resubmission Soft Rejection - help me please

Please i need help :

  1. Still: Use the correct escaping function for the context where it’s rendered.


  1. Third party scripts/ styles don’t need to be prefixed to avoid double loading. ref:


  1. Still: Please use a unique prefix for all function names, classes, hooks, public/global variables, action/filter hooks, custom image sizes, constants, database entries, theme-specific scripts, and theme-specific styles to avoid conflicts with plugins and other themes.

Prefixes should consist of either your themename_, authorname_, or frameworkname_. While multiple prefixes are allowed (theme-specific, framework, and external PHP libraries), they must be consistent, at least three characters, and unique (i.e not using a common term, such as ‘seo’).

Third Party Scripts:
Third party scripts/ styles should not prefixed or suffixed to avoid double loading. ref:

WordPress Core Prefixes:
The wp_ prefix is reserved for WordPress core functionality. Also, prefixes should never begin with an underscore or hyphen.


Thanks in advance.

The rejection details are clean enough. You should be performing these changes before re-submit.

I’m not sure if that’s what you need but - If you’re looking for paid support, I’m providing help for the authors to pass the submission requirements ( in coding ) so you can contact me and I can provide some support -