Responsive Menu Button on Left or Right?

Kick me, or I’ll shoot my self. I’ve made a responsive layout and put Menu button on Left and Logo of course centred.

Managers came to me and told me to put logo on left side and menu button on right side of screen.
And it looks like I can’t even do nothing. Even as an Art director they just doesn’t listen to me.

And the other one… mobile number button (big one) on top to header after logo.

My logic is following: Why apple didn’t changed phone screen a lot because with big finger you can go up and down on whole screen without any problem. So Menu icon on Left is comfortable to click, and a CALL button on Bottom Is comfortable to click as well… once you follow with big finger on bottom and psychically same as CALL in phone book.

Tell me am I right or wrong? My big finger swipe theory is correct or wrong? Or if wrong then why on right side menu? And what with CALL button… why on top? Where the hell managers take that from?



89% of world population is right-handed. When clicking menu on the left side, most people would need to move their finger across the whole screen, blocking sight of important informations and possibly click something else if not careful. So there you have it, logic behind element positioning.

About the phone number area, they probbably want to have it as obvious as possible. It depends on the situation, it might be valuable for clients if that is the main thing they are looking for, otherwise it might be harmful as even on mobile phones, people don’t pay attention longer than few seconds.

martincheq said

89% of world population is right-handed. When clicking menu on the left side, most people would need to move their finger across the whole screen, blocking sight of important informations and possibly click something else if not careful. So there you have it, logic behind element positioning.

So what does it mean Menu on LEFT side is better or on RIGHT?

In my opinion, menu toggle should be on the right side (unless there’s a media query that recognizes a left-handed user :slight_smile: )

Well personally I don’t think there’s an absolute right answer here, We should just see which one is the better fit based on our circumstances.

Studies showed that the screen area on the top-left is more difficult to reach, The following image should give you a better grasp:


But placing the button on the top-left would maintain the user experience and provide consistency as many other famous apps such as YouTube, Evernote,… are using the same pattern.

For the Call Button, Even though placing it at the top would draw more attention to it, Doing such is not alright from UX perspective and it should be placed at the bottom.

  • Mohamad

For me it’s always easy when the menu button is at the top-right corner, because I always keep my phone in the left hand and use the right hand fingers to scroll/click… so it’s easier when the menu is close to my right hand.

Also, they want the call button at the top because most people (including me) are not always scrolling the page until the bottom of the page, especially if the content is long or not interesting. So what’s on the top always captures the attention first.