Request for assistance with Envato Standard License


I see a starter kit from under the Envato Standard License, and I wanted to clarify the terms of use for this license.

My intention is to use the starter kit to develop an application which I would like to sell commercially. However, I am unsure about the limitations of the Envato Standard License, particularly with regards to building my application using this stater kit and reselling.

Could someone please provide me with more information on the permitted uses of the Envato Standard License, as well as any restrictions or requirements that I should be aware of? I have reviewed the terms of use on the Envato website, but I wanted to confirm with the community to ensure that I fully understand the license agreement.

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Do you want to use the track in the assets your clients will buy? If so, each purchases needs one license. VideoHive authors include this info in the description and instructions along with a link to the track on AJ and put watermarked audio preview in the zip and item preview. Client has to buy a track and manually replace it. It is a standard om VH, I do not know if it’s convienient on CC too.

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You can’t with Regular/Standard license. You will need extended license to sell the product if it’s out of Envato. If it’s within Envato, you will also need a written permission from the author that he’s giving the rights to be sold at the marketplace.

Q: Is it possible to resell the downloaded themes and scripts and rebrand them and upload them again in my own white label brand? Or resell them online?
A: No - items here cannot be sold ‘as is’ or in an adapted format on other marketplaces.

I agree also with @ki-themes and @RedOctopus that you would need to explore any potential options certainly with the author of the starter kit in question