Rejection WP plugin

Hi everyone, my item ’ LiveChat LazucruB’ was rejected with the text:

’ Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “LiveChat LazucruB” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:

Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.’

Here is the demo, as you see it - rejection due to design(thumbnail or chat-window)? My plugin creates a chat window.
Thx for answer

Execution is not great - demo feels a bit basic and raw

There are plenty of free chat plugins out there so you need to bring stand out and premium features and functionality

Have a question: when the reviewer smoothers the demo, he considers the design of only the chat-window or all site page? because demo is only window

I don’t think it massively matters in this case but the whole demo needs to have a premium feel regardless.

I just searched for chat plugin on CodeCanyon and this was the first one

It’s from 5 years ago and still offers all sorts of added functionality. The demo needs to look good but more importantly you need to have something to make the item worth paying for and to compete with the other files already for sale