Don’t worry if you get the typical rejection letter. I have analytics on everything I sent over. Nobody ever even looked at my work. If Envato is hiring for reviewers, I have a lounge chair in the other room that can do the same amount of work as your team.
Can i see screenshot or link of your work?
The US was the only country listed. These are the only cities that hit the analytics since I submitted. I’m familiar with both.
They don’t need to visit your site - they can check all on their own server/localhost because you are sending the installation file (if it is WordPress/CMS) and a whole site if it is HTML template
If their connected to the internet, then it would report. They never let the page render on a browser. There is no installation file.
(Now the answer for your question is yes, it will just work by copying the standard snippet. According to documentation, now the standard snippet has automatic cookie domain configuration: ga(‘create’, ‘UA-XXXXX-Y’, ‘auto’); where cookie domain is automatically determined.
In addition, if analytics.js detects that you’re running a server locally (e.g. localhost) it automatically sets the cookieDomain to ‘none’.)
If they spent more than 30 minutes reviewing it, they would have the energy to write at least one specific detail for their rejection. With a generic rejection letter, it says it they are not willing to put forth effort. This leaves everyone confused, which is probably the goal.
Out of interest could there have been another reason for immediate rejection eg missing documentation etc?
On hard rejects ie when there’s no feedback - there has to be a universal approach to ether “soft” and you get feedback or “hard” and you don’t. The fact remains that (and we can’t comment on your’s having not seen it) that a huge % of the tens of thousands of submissions envato get each month are rejected and even adding 2 mins to give feedback would add a huge amount of resource time and create notable further delays.
On top of this with respect to all authors, you only need to look some of the “rejected” threads here to see how far off the standard they are and it is extremely likely that even with feedback the item is either too far off or the author would be unable to effectively execute or translate feedback to a standard that fixes issues
I spent 3 months on this project. If they had auto responses that said things like: “Legal concerns", “Coding needs improvement”, "Design concepts outdated”, there would be much more understanding.
I did spend time looking through “rejection posts” when my last app was rejected. It’s then when I started to suspect something.
It doesn’t even look as though they saw my You Tube videos either.
If the submission rate is what you’re saying it is, they might not have the time to review everyone.
I am sure that they do their best to review everyone fairly.
I also imagine that if there are initial issues then they probably won’t examine further because it would be irrelevant.
This is an interesting point and kind of my point earlier:
Do you think that this info is enough for most rejected authors to be able to resolve the problems? What if they (in their minds) did update the design, but it was again rejected… would that not create more frustration?
Don’t get me wrong - I do see your point and the value in helping authors out where possible but it’s a bit like threads (there are lots) where people share feedback from reviewers about typography, hierarchy, spacing etc. asking what is wrong and for people to show them what to correct. This is the perfect example of why feedback is not always a good idea or use of reviewers’ time.
By giving a more detailed auto response, I would know where to focus and feel less confused. This feels like you’re being thrown out with no explanation. They already said not to re-send this particular project, so that’s dead. If I knew something specific, my next project would have more focus in that area. With their current tactics, I am confused and I don’t trust that they even viewed the work. These questions alone are enough to send me elsewhere.
Hey @aaronrs2002 - would you mind sharing a link to your live demo? Also, did you submit screenshots of the theme when you submitted it?
I certainly hope you didn’t embed your own analytics code within the actual files, as that’d be an issue.
I took the demo down while I configure it for something else. However, the tutorial videos are still up. The very first video in the playlist shows a more current theme and does an overview of the CMS I built with JavaScript.
As far as my google Analytics tags, yes they were in the files. That’s how I determined the pages were never opened in a browser.
So this is a wedding app? In which category did you submit it? If I’m not mistaken, then this is more suited to CodeCanyon. ThemeForest is more about premium (“the best of the best”) designs in web themes and templates, and less about functionality.
I submitted the project into CMS themes.
There was a wedding section there where the projects had a CMS.
Right - that category is for themes, not scripts, which work on an existing popular CMS platform, such as Joomla. The wedding section would be for themes relating to weddings, but still must be for a CMS platform.
A theme merely changes the appearance of a platform, and maybe adds some functionality on top (e.g. with plugins), but a script (app) is something you create on top of a framework or from scratch, which implements certain functionality on its own, rather than simply re-skinning a CMS platform.
If it’s your own CMS platform and your own functionality, then this isn’t really a theme but rather a PHP script, which belongs on CodeCanyon. There’s an entire category for this type of thing:
They’ll not visit your site/app - they do it locally.
I can guarantee you that as I tested multiple times.
Don’t take rejection personally or suspect someone just hits “reject” button - every work is checked.
There is very little PHP.
99.9% percent of this is JavaScript which posts to PHP files. The PHP files simply write to JSON files for the example. Those PHP end points can be swapped out for anything.
Plus, the old login session was based on a few lines of PHP, which I’m currently changing. So, it’s tough to say if it belongs with entire PHP projects, since it’s JavaScript. I appreciate you showing me the “Code Canyon”, maybe you’re correct. I guess it’s too late now. I was told never to submit this again.
I shall now start drumming up business on my own.
The picture this experience has painted in my head reminds me of old stories I would hear about people faxing in their resume. Those resumes were promptly shot into a trash can by the fax machine because everyone was too busy to read them.
No problem. PHP scripts can have as much JS as you’d like - the only thing that matters is whether or not the backend language is PHP.
If you do shift away from PHP to a different backend language however, there may not be a category on CC for the item.
As for the typical hard rejection message (“cannot submit this item again”), I’m certain this only applies to TF and CodeCanyon will review it under their own criterion. However, if you still don’t want to give that a try, I understand.
There is no backend. This is a front end REST application working off JSON files, unless somebody plugs it into a NoSQL database.
Maybe this just doesn’t fit here.
99.9% percent of this is JavaScript which posts to PHP files. The PHP files simply write to JSON files for the example. Those PHP end points can be swapped out for anything.
In this statement, PHP would be the backend language. Writing to JSON files is fine, but PHP is what processes the info coming from the clients/JS, so that’s the backend language.
I recently explained the CodeCanyon categories to someone else here too:
- The JavaScript category is for any items which do require JavaScript.
- The PHP category is for any items which require PHP scripts to work.
I understand that your PHP scripts can be replaced, but “out of the box”, the app uses PHP to process its submitted data yes? Note that many buyers will not know how to write code and will use it as it is provided, so that’s definitely the right category.
P.S. I’ve made PHP scripts before which saved data to JSON files. That is completely fine.