Rejected but Why? Any feedback?

I am not bothered that much when I get a rejection… it’s part of the business and everyone should learn to live with it… but, I am bothered with automated rejection messages and not knowing what I can do to improve it…

it’s not good enough?? fine… but tell me “what’s not good enough about it” so I can come back with one which is “good enough” next time… is it the drawing? is it the presentation?

I am more than capable of creating any kind of drawings but I need to know what you want…

Thanks for any replies

hi buddy, what are those items all about? logos? because if so i know precisely what’s wrong with them … u don’t have texts … if this is like icons or illustrations, then i have no idea … as this is good in my view and that u put some additional effects and this is looks even better thanks to this

hey… thanks for your input…

these are vectors and were submitted to vector category… I think it’s not appropriate to share links but they have been online on every major stock site for years now… so they have no technical issues…

the only reason I can think of is “they are bad looking” apparently… and the reviewer didn’t like them…

if it’s ok, here they are:

I have put these links just to prove that they are technically flawless, otherwise they would have been rejected everywhere… (moderate if it’s not ok)

i guessed so that they did not have technical issues, on the other hand, the presence of your items elsewhere, even some very famous place is not necessarily proving that the item is that very good and that it meets requirements here , but i understand your frustration and misunderstanding … the fact of the matter is that they have too many items and need to select more so that all items do not get lost in the mass … that’s how selection is harder and harder and rejections more numerous too

i am not sure that they like u promote your items from somewhere else here lol

I agree… it was just to prove they have no technical issues… :smile:

Thanks again for your feedback…