REGN Theme and Codeless - What a shame


I don’t understand why Envato offers free download of themes that are usually paid and expensive if it doesn’t offer any installation help. In addition, these themes are full of bugs, the custom options don’t work fine. The developer doesn’t offer any support. I send messages for a few days and have simply no answer.

REGN theme by Codeless is one of them. It’s a very beautiful and promising one. However some custom options do not work after installed. I searched the internet for example the background head image and found it on Codeless forum. Guess what! The customer was quite disappointed because he had been made a fool of by the company ( -being-honored-after-update).

And so am I. This link (Codeless Themes | Regn Theme - Presentation/) says that there is support 24/7. I got in touch on Sunday and the answer was that the support was closed and I should call it the next day, which I did and, guess what, the message wasn’t even received by chat. Did I get blocked? I think so. I posted a comment on the theme page on the Envato website. Guess again! They deleted my comment. That’s the way how they treat customers who don’t buy the theme.

Anyway, I’m facing some issues to understand how this theme works and why some things don’t work. This is a big problem because if a paid and expensive theme is offered for free, it is assumed that the paid theme is being given as a gift, right? But a gift with bugs, not working properly and no one explains you how to use it? Is it a Trojan horse? I think so.

By the way, there is something teaching you how to use the REGN theme (Regn - Documentation). But the examples used are from Folie theme, hello?!. The suggested custom options simply do not exist in the REGN theme. If the options are not the same then they shouldn’t be in this documentation which even offers tutorial videos on youtube that are very good for Folie them but not for REGN’s.

So, I’ll list the problems I have found in the hope someone can help me out or showing a way to solve it.

1 - The option Background Head Image for pages doesn’t work. How to solve this problem?

2 - In the REGN theme, Codeless Slider is like the Posts or Pages section. I have no idea how it works.

3 - How to use the Page Builder section? The information on it is: “Options for adding an additional element on header”.

There are other questions but these are the main ones. If code-less don’t give a “fork” to me is there anyone who can help me out? I would appreciate it very much.
