Refund request years after purchase

It is really disappointing for an author to find a refund request for an item that was purchased years ago

Why Envato even let buyers request a refund that was purchased too long time ago. I don’t see this anywhere and this should be limited

buyer should only be able to submit a refund request maximum 3 months after purchase.

I heard from some authors that some customers claimed for refund right after purchase. These things are definitely not good for authors and Envato must review this new policy.

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Both cases are really bad :joy:

Customers are buying the products and after downloading and using them they are requesting for refund.

What can be we do ?

Envato (Well, the website) should be monitoring the downloads. For instance if a user has purchased an item, but NOT downloaded the files, then they can still get a refund. If they purchase the item, AND download the files, then they can’t get a refund, unless there’s a valid reason, such as the item isn’t as described.

Last month I got a refund request 3 years from purchase and today I got a request from a user who purchased the theme 1 year ago, the only message form the user is that “Please refund or I will leave a bad rating”.
You know by the time I create a support ticket on Envato and get a response, the buyer would post a review and would have already done the damage.

I have been making the same suggestion to Envato for “years” and it is very disappointing to note that my requests land on deaf ears.

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