Reached level 6 finally :)

Sorry everyone i know these posts are boring but im so chuffed for reaching level 6.

It was such a struggle getting my first theme approved and i nearly gave up a few times but now i have 5. Im just a small fish i know but it just goes to show that you shouldn’t take the rejections badly and instead you should think of them as a good thing and learn from them.

I just hope the current situation on here doesn’t ruin everything :frowning:

Happy to hear that. I hope for me to reach your sales someday :slight_smile:

Congratulations @elusivethemes :tada: Good luck for more badges :slight_smile:

Congrats! Very cool!

Congrats!!! I am at level 7:


Thanks peeps. lol Pandcrator, im level 9 on the stupid clash royale iphone app, spend more time on that than i do working, bit worrying isnt it haha

You succeeded perfectly! Congratulations to you!!!:slight_smile:

Congratulations! @elusivethemes :sparkles: