Question about series licence

I bought licence on audiojungle for a music I used in my podcast series. Two years later I created around ten new episodes with this music for a separate series. I know I should buy the new licence. I did so immediately after I realized my mistake. Should I re-edit these episodes or will new licence cover this retroactively?

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There is no need to re-edit your episodes, as long as you have a valid license covering these new end-products, you are fine. The music is not digitally encrypted so as to match a specific unique license, so there won’t be any issue there.

Hope it helps!


Yes it is, thanks. I asked cause there is a specific date on a licence purchase.

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If anyone were to ask you about the date discrepancies (no one will, though), you could just say the truth. No one can hold an honest mistake that you had properly fixed against you.

In any case, thank you for making sure you’re doing it right :slight_smile: