Question about "how to be a bit more sure" in terms of approval

Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing all really good.
I’ve been learning a bit more about stock music before continuing to upload and getting rejected, I do have approved tracks (from a year ago) but I don’t want to end up doing it the same way (getting a bunch of rejects until one just “hits it”).
My question is, how could I approach a track to work it till one can say “well this will be approved”? Not really asking for secrets of the trade, just looking for a new direction after bumping into a wall a few times.
Thanks in advance!

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Hi.Actually there is no right answer for this question.Music is subjective.As long as you follow the AJ policy, is all a matter of artistic expression and knowing the needs of customers.I wrote a small compendium with some general helping steps for new authors,but i withdrew it due to some personal dispute with other author.Just listen to other good selling tracks and pay attention to the most important keypoints of their construction. Songwriting - clean and concise, get fast to the point, do not linger on long introductions, do not overcomplicate things, pay attention to transitions between parts, smooth intro and outro.Avoid sudden changes and breaks unless they are part of the sound design.Avoid overcompression and excesive use of reverbs or delays, unless they are part of sound design, again.And of course, read the forum. Other authors critics are really helpful. ( i think i wrote too much again) :joy:.


Oh, that compendium sounds interesting. A pity you had to withdraw it! Those are all awesome points though, I’ve been using reference tracks lately to practice and it’s a huge difference. It’s a bit hard to not end up copying some “tricks” but I guess it’s one way, copying first to understand the whys.
Yeah! Been asking for feedback in the forum, really grateful the way you guys are open to helping others. Haven’t seen this happening in other music communities (at least in my country)

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It’s like how you say it in the first post, how can I become a good composer and succeed? this is obviously a big question, why Bethoven was good? why some artists are better than others? the answer is , experience you have to earn, it needs time to be good at something.
@SoniqBranding gave some really amazing tips but what is theory without practice? and you said it yourself, you need to copy something sometimes to learn by it, but the practice is a big step and needs lots of time progressing that never ends!

practice practice practice and then practice some more to overcome your limits and become better!

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Yes.Agree.Practice.Some skills you were born with, some you have to achieve.In the past , everyhing was about education. Now is about discipline.Practice needs to be a part of your discipline. Of course, you cannot make it the purpose of your life. But you will get better with every single step you make.Because you will do a lot of mistakes and this is the only way to learn .

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