purchase codes are not working

I have 2 purchase codes for the Avada theme, but neither of them works and I receive the message that both my purchase codes have been used on another domain. The problem is I have no idea where these might have been used so I can unregister them.
Is there any way to know on which domains these purchase codes have been used?

@ThemeFusion_Support @ThemeFusion could help you on this.

Hope you will get a solution here:
Go to the Register Envato Code tab on your support account at Theme-Fusion and you will see all of your purchased code and registered sites list if you need you can update the site name using the registered purchased code there.


That’s also part of the problem. My purchase codes don’t show up there.
And when I want to register either of my 2 purchase codes in my account on theme fusion Login / Register - ThemeFusion | Avada Website Builder I get the error: “Purchase code is already in use.”

In that case you have to contact the Author. You can use theme Comments option or Author profile page contact form.

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