Public reviews and ratings

Well, that’s cool! I think it will help customers to better assess the goods they buy.:+1::slight_smile:

Authors use carefully chosen 5 star reviews where as we’re talking about displaying all reviews, negative and positive. Customers with negative reviews would likely care more about having what they said publicly visible. There’s also a chance they included something private in their review because they thought it was only going to the author. Unlikely I’m sure but a risk none-the-less.

The main reason we’re not showing all reviews is because we clearly state when a customer is leaving a review how we will use the information e.g. “Your rating, review and username will be visible to the author.” If we didn’t say how we were going to use it, then we would have more options but as we have it, it wouldn’t be quite fair on the customer to use it publicly.

Trust me when I say that this was a ‘do the right thing’ decision and not a ‘best thing for the product’ decision.

Interesting idea - thanks SW_THEMES

Hi Surjith,

A link on the item details page is top of my list as well. Should be done in the next few days.

We definitely considered a ‘is this helpful’ function but we thought that because only <4 star reviews have mandatory comments, the ‘helpful’ reviews would be weighted to the negative reviews, and that’s not great for anyone.

RE: leaving a second comment; I never had a use case for that functionality until now so thanks for that, and all of your other suggestions.

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Hi SurStudio,

It doesn’t equal 100 because we are rounding. Although it’s funny that the numbers don’t add up to 100, I don’t expect customers to notice or care. What they are concern with is that the breakdown accurately represents the views of customers that have purchased the item so that they can determine if the item is something they should consider.


If you want to be bad: Look at the Template you want, click in the Review and ask each buyer for a free copy.

So why show and link the buyers name?

Who would find his account name at Google with the templates which he has bought?


I understand, and makes sense now… thanks for clarifying that.


Could you please add item names to the Reviews tab in author dashboard?


Yes, I see you’re rounding. With thousands of people looking at these ratings, some of them will notice it. I fail to imagine a reason of why wouldn’t this be fixed, it could take 2 or 3 minutes of coding to fix it.


awesome feature, thank you!

:grinning::grinning::grinning: WOOOOW!!! Thanks you Envato!!! Very good site update!!! :innocent::yum::laughing:

Thats terrific! Nice work Envato!

Excellent!!! Good update.


Could you please add item names to the Reviews tab in author dashboard?

It’s very uncomfortable to suggest what’s item mentioned if you have 20+ items

Looks intresting!! :+1:


Basically you do what you want, when you want it and everything is fine and now you suddenly care about something that really didn’t need any care.

“Only reviews that were left after April 28th will be displayed to customers. While this does create a discrepancy with the overall score and number of ratings, we felt that it wasn’t fair to display reviews where the customer and author weren’t first told that it would be public.”

I would love to show ALL my ratings to the public and I think that all authors would agree on this. You’ve rated it, said what you wanted, why it should be a secret now?

Love the new feature, but as said I want to show them all, not just in the last month.


lol - 3 reviews from 4 sales? Wow!
sarcasm! :smile:

Wow! Great!)))

any marketplace > all items > sort by: best rated > added: in the last week

It amazes me how some people always try to game the system. False ratings will possibly end now!

If RATINGS will be public, so please let them be ALL visible.

At the image below, you see that it says we have 20 Ratings (on item’s description page), but once user wants to see the new “PUBLIC REVIEWS” they only see 4 of them.

Now, is this good user-experience? (No, it’s only more confusion for the buyer. They will think…: “Hey , I thought I will see 20 ratings, where are the others, why I only see 4 of them?”)

What if the Author had all of their 5 Star ratings before the April 28th, but all 1 Star ratings after the April 28th?
So you’ll display all 1 Star ratings??

Please display ALL of the ratings, @andrewfreeman
This should be very easy (Surely some authors have thousands of reviews, but anyway, April 28th is a not a good choice. It’s a very short period of time. You should at least make it 3 - 4 months).

