Prowess Theme doesn't Upload as expected

Hello Guys ,

Hope someone can help here.

SO i’ve downloaded a new theme and when i Installed it, instead of it taking over my old one, the new theme adapted to it.

The result is a theme that looks a lot like the old one I have rather than the one I bought.

I would like to install the theme the way it looked on the sales page, and modify from there.

Someone knows how to do that ?

The theme I bought is prowess, if that can help


you have to install the theme then have to active that new theme. Then have to install theme bundle plugins then have to import demo.
Please check Documentation, hope you will get proper help there.


Thank you.

Any idea why the import process gets stuck at 90 % ?

The best way is to contact your purchased theme author and let them know. Theme author will be happy to assist you. Thanks

Thx for the answer. One thing: does the author actually respond ?

I’ve been leaving a ticket and nothing happens, no answer whatsoever.

Is the support actually effecttive ??

I know they receive lots of tickets but it’s incredible that nobody helps you with the theme and there’s not even a chat.

I’m really starting to regret my purchase


Author support is effective for 6 months from the date you purchased the theme. If your support expired then you have to extend the support. So, if you bought the theme within 6 month then author are responsible to support you within envato support policy.

For getting in touch with author you can post comments going through theme details page then Comments tab and post your query or go to support tab to get support from the theme author.
