Professional Wordpress Blog Theme BUT Rejected! Why?!

Hi everyone,
I am tired of working with themeforest :hot_face:
This is my second product that is rejected without telling any reason!
I spent many time for it and it is my full time job. But without any details just tell REJECTED FOR QUALITY!!!
Envato don’t tell any details for rejected item. So if I designed 100 new themes, all them have previews problem because i don’t know the problem !!! Envato should tell details to i prevent it in next product!
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you

Here is demo:

Here is description images:

Hi! Your theme must compliant with marketplace technical requirements

With all due respect but the design quality is not up to required standard. The typography specifically needs some serious improvements. There are also many spacing issues all around.

I’ve just noticed that typography is different on the live site compared to your screenshots (sans serif fonts on screenshots vs serif fonts on live sire), so there is something wrong going on. Maybe some sort of caching issue, or you are loading your fonts in a wrong way. But even this issue aside, I am not really sure this is good enough.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Yes you right. I install LightSpeed Cache plugin (just for my demo) and it is caused this problem :sob:
Are you find any other issues?!

What should I do now?!
Because of a small mistake in live demo, i can’t resubmit it again ?!
I spent many times for develop and design it!

Even with the fixed font issue the theme is simply not up to par with current requirements IMHO. Typography is still kinda weak, the whole design looks very bland and just generic. You should put more effort into it before trying to resubmit it.

I read again WordPress Theme Requirements and review my theme. But i could not find any issue for rejection!
Can you tell me more details? What is typography problem?
All things seems good in my opinion in compare with other themes.

Theme requirements talk about technical aspects, which may be fine with your theme, but I am talking about design. The quality of your design is certainly not good enough compared to recently approved items. This is not something you can fix overnight. You need to practice more to get to a level when you will be able to see all the design issues yourself. Study popular (new) items on ThemeForest, Behance, Dribbble etc. It is a long process, but you will get there with enough dedication (if the design is what you really want to do of course).

Thank you for your advice.
You’re right. There are several design and typography issues that should be fixed!

I made a new wp theme and tried to fix all previews issues in this item. Can you look at that and feed back about it please?
This is my new item and want to send it to themeforest. I don’t want to receive a reject message again :slight_smile: