Hello, I’m having a problem installing the plugin.
It is working normally but I had 4 problems
1 - I can not include the Sliders I created on the website.
2 - I installed a plugin that created a chat on the product screen, and this plugin is superimposed on the rest of the page
3 - I can not include a shortcode on the home screen to include search fields and maps
4 - I do not know how to increase the number of filters to search for products
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If you have problems with your purchased item, I strongly recommend you to contact the author for bugfix support. In this case to reach the author of WooMobify plugin please access this url: https://codecanyon.net/item/mcommerce-woocommerce-mobile-theme/19250607
P.S -> If you are using the plugin on a theme, maybe the theme is not compatible with the plugin.
Have an wonderful day!