Preview replace file in download

We use audio jungle a lot. We make a video place the preview file under it. Do all the audio levels and crossfade etc. and then present it to the client.
The client then approves the audio and then we buy the music. Only to find that the music is delivered in different pieces because it has different lengths or versions.
Then we must again match up the audio with the preview file and redo all the levels and crossfades.

I just asked one creator why not just add a preview replacement file. He replied that it is against Envato’s policy!

Please change the policy so that we can work quicker and more efficiently!


Good topic :+1:
The authors don’t mind to add such versions to help buyers :slight_smile:

Hello @renemistergiant. Unfortunately it is true that it’s against Envato’s policy, it would be no problem for us authors. But I am sure if you write the creator of the item because of this issue he will send you the original preview file without tags :slight_smile: