Please Suggest Why My html Template (Landing Page) Hard Rejected

Please take a look at my item here:

Template CRD — CRD is a html5 templates for business,portfolio,app landing page can bring your projects to focus by means of a full-width elegant banners.
CRD is also the Perfect mobile app showcase for iPhone and Android.
To make you site feel livelier, the page is spiced up with smooth one page scroll effects. To stay in view while page scrolling, the menu is fixed and also accommodates with logo option. In such a way, people will have a constant access to press a menu & its will go the selected section. Well organized and very easy to customize.
— business, css3, gallery, marketing, portfolio, responsive HTML5 template is very easy to customize! Well detailed documentation is prepared for beginners and advanced users.
Key Features
built with HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY
Bootstrap v3.3.5
Clean design
Developer friendly code
Google Fonts
Optimized for search engines
FontAwesome icons
Fully customizable
Fully responsive
Cross Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE
Features section with tab style
Screenshoot section
Testimonial section
Subscribe form
Contact form
Social icons
Pricing Table
Counting Animation
FAQ With a nice accordion style
Video introduction
Animation effect ( Animate.css & wow.js)
40 Social Media Icons
The template is supplied with extensive HTML Documentation that will teach you how to install and set it properly.

Maybe I’m not getting a good . Please help me to find out the errors to improve design quality.

Review Message:Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “CRD” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

With all due respect this is way off the standard for here.

  • Basics like spacing, padding, consistency all need work especially the typography and hierarchy

Beyond that:

  • Logo looks weak

  • Design needs a lot of modernizing

  • There’s a serious lack of originality that makes it compete or stand out in a crowded category packed with high quality items

  • There’s issues with attention to detail and content inserted for no reason e.g mobile apps don’t need pricing for hosing packages; testimonials, FAQs, videos which just have generic or repeated content feel unfinished and out of place and i you want to have tabs between platforms then don;t use IOS devices for Android and Windows

The best advice anyone can give you is to give up on this, familiarize yourself with the standards and detail in he bigger selling items on the marketplace and start over.

Thanks for your helpful guidance charlie4282 .

learned very valuable lesson from you charlie4282 .