Hi , I’m new in this area, I never had websites before.
I’m pretty picky in choosing the theme for WP , and alone have not been able to find something useful then i ask for your help.
I want to start writing a blog about philosophy and science, including computer science articles , these are the requirements that the theme should have :
-Clean , minimalist , organized , relaxing. I don’t like to put too much informations in the home.
-Elegant , innovative.
-A cross between a blog and a technology news site.
I need to have the order and uniqueness of a blog, but at the same time not depriving me of the opportunity to post articles, guides, information, news about the computer and science.
I hope it is the right forum section, could you help me?
Thank you very much , i’m blocked from several days because of this choice, you can be a big help!
Have a nice day.
Regards !