Pay taxes for ITIN

After getting an ITIN you know as a Tax ID, in March 2017 i will get my “summary of the taxes withheld” what will i do next? Do i need to pay them to IRS? To some institution in my country? Does Envato will take care of that? How does it work? I had read before that ITIN will expire “if not used on a federal income tax return for any year during a period of five consecutive years” how could i make that if the Withholding tax of my country is 0%?

hi, i guess that the main thing is that u have an activity with your account (and that u make a one sale per year in envato marketplaces, which is not so difficult), not the money that u have to pay (which is none in case u have 0% …)

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Thanks a lot! Do you know what is exactly the “summary of the taxes withheld” that i will receive on March 2017? and for what am i going to use it?

hi, i assume that this is the legal document provided by envato to state that u have paid taxes to IRS in 2016 (for yor accounting, i presume, at least i think so , i guess that would be better for you to ask this question to envato directly at their email address for tax issues

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