Pay for something that is not working properly ( It is the common rule )

I purchased 6 days ago a script about memes ( Meme Captioner Script ) but even after installing I can not use because it has error (despite following the advice of the creator) so, i try to contact contact the creator sending at least three messages with all detail, but No ANSWER…

So, thinking positive, I say, well, never mind, i buy another meme script ( Ultimate Meme Script ) - but you know what happens! it does not work, i try to contact contact the creator sending at least three messages with all detail, but No ANSWER…Which ends with my patience because there is no excuse for this to happen.

If you write good code, there will be no problems in the installation or after except greater strength but the problem is that almost every script I’ve bought have always problems, so, why you is selling something that is not over or why envato does not put a limit about this big problem.

Now I have $ 45 spent with no benefit more, other +$100 waiting to solve remaining problems, every day almost I have to beg to the creator can help me, I have gone so far as to offer money to solve the problem, but i have no lucky.

So i am looking for an solution, I deserve it, I paid for it.

Hi. you please contact the envato suppot - maybe they can refund your $$$

If the item is not working as it is described you will get 100% refund as far as I know

I get the refound but thats is not the point.