Our new HackerSpace website! using ThemeBlvd's Denali WordPress theme

Here’s the website I’m currently building for our HackerSpace:

And I love how basic blog posts just look awesome straight out of the box:

URL: http://gctechspace.org

I used this theme from @ThemeBlvd

Highly recommend this theme. The custom page editor is awesome. So much work would have gone into that.

Anywho let me know your thoughts. We’re migrating from another theme over to this theme so a few things still need to be cleaned up :slight_smile:


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Nice :slight_smile: Checked on mobile and you might wanna check this plugin of mine to improve the menu : http://codecanyon.net/item/mobi-better-wordpress-mobile-navigation-menu/8782504 :slight_smile: Thanks!

Good WordPress Plugin!

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