Our journey to be an Elite Author Level 2 at Envato

Hello, Envato community!
Themes-coder is now Elite Author level 2 :trophy: on Envato! :tada: :balloon::balloon::balloon::confetti_ball: A huge โ€œThank youโ€ to Envato, the Envato community and all of the customers, of course.

The saga was started in 2012 when Themes-Coder was unknown for everyone. With an Aim to provide more employment opportunities in I.T sector and make the home land a pride for International community, I started my working with @Envato that later was paused due to lack of technical resources in home town. I then worked on team building and after a couple of years, started my working once again on @Envato with full zeal and zest. With the passage of time and efforts of Themes-Coder Team, themes-coder became an Elite Author Level One successfully. But our target was Level Two that was only possible after the sale of $125,000 and kept us focused on our mission all the time. The efforts of my team were doubled to achieve the next target and with the hardworking, determination and team work, we successfully achieved our goal in November-2019 to be the Elite Author of @Envato which is the biggest success in the life of Themes Coder so far. We are thankful to #EnvatoMarket for providing us with matchless opportunities to grow up and shortlisting our products for big sale events. We will continue to our efforts for getting more success and providing more innovative solutions to the world through Envato Market.

Thanks Envato :slight_smile:



Congratulations! :tada: Great achievement :call_me_hand:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks @mgscoder :slight_smile: