Our best theme just got 5,001 sales

Hi guys! I’m so excited because our beloved Education WordPress Theme | Education WP :mortar_board:https://themeforest.net/item/education-wordpress-theme-education-wp/14058034 just passed 5k sales.

This is a great result for us. We only focus on Envato Market and we think we can achieve more if we all theme makers can collaborate.

We’re really looking for ways we can connect with other authors to get more sales and be strong together in the future :heart_eyes:

We also are really looking forward to Envato’s future plans on helping us all succeed.

Thank you, Envato and everyone in this community.


it sound great man. Congratulation.

Congratulations, @ThimPress! 5,000 is a truly amazing figure for a single item. My best selling item on AJ is set to pass 4,000 sales today. It’s a great feeling! :slight_smile:

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How would you like to collaborate?


Thank you, bro! :blush:

Congrats to you, too, @AurusAudio !
4k sales, and being a weekly top sellers on AJ already make you a rock star.
Keep up the great job :sunglasses:

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I don’t know. I didn’t mention “how”, because we haven’t done this before and haven’t figured it out yet. But maybe referring each others to the others’ audiences or mentioning other teams on a blog post, community podcasts or at least a tweet may sound like a good idea. How about you, have any idea?:blush:


Great job! Congratulation to you and the genius team behind!
I knew this is planned through your long time of hard working, not just a luck.

You are not a theme author anymore, you may be known as an Edtech startup instead!
Keep it up!

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Thank you for your kind words. “Edtech startup” sounds so awesome!:sweat_smile:

Congratulations, @ThimPress !!!

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@ThimPress congrats on your success. I am the Product/Marketing Manager at @CridioStudio and I have been working on several GrowthHack strategies. BTW we included your theme in a blog post (50+ Crazy WordPress Black Friday Cyber Monday Deals 2016) that we created for BlackFriday which got over 1300 social share. I would love to know if you got any visits from our blog so we can do more such post in the future.

I have recently started a youtube channel as part of this growth strategy plus there are several other stuff in the pipeline. Hit me up and I would love to consider doing a Product Review on your theme as well as your interview.

Thanks for sharing your success with us I wish you reach 10K sales very soon.

Sam Rizzi

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Amazing result! Well done!

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Thats huge :slight_smile: Congratulation @ThimPress :tada: Good luck for more :wink:

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Wow, really awesome. Congratulations :slight_smile:

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Great achievement @ThimPress ! Congratulations :thumbsup:

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great! Congratulations

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Congrats @ThimPress :slight_smile:

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I think there’s a lot of opportunities for authors to cross-sell to other author’s complimentary items. A quid-pro-quo so to speak.

Certainly, you’re not going to be suggesting another author’s Theme if you are a Theme author yourself. But a theme and a plugin? That’s a cool way to share customers. The VideoHive and AudioJungle folks do this with their videos, but i reckon there’s a fair bit of scope to play here.

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