Couple of clients are having problems with opening one of my projects which is in CS4, with CS6.
Here are the clients issues:
“Hi, I’m having a problem with the files in CS6 – every time I open the composition, it works right up until I try to click on the main composition sequence to view it and then AE crashes. I’ve tried re-downloading the files from this site but I am not sure what else I should be doing. I’m quite new to AE, so any help would be great.”
"Hi, I’m having the same problem as child77: "
“Absolutely LOVE the video, but I’m having the same exact problem as well. I can open it fine, but then as soon as I click on the main composition, AE crashes. The error message simply says: “Adobe After Effects CS6 has stopped working” and then it closes. Is this an extremely power intensive project file to the point of crashing the system? I’ve tried on two computers now and both have the same issue. Thanks :)”
Hi, I have similar issues, and for me, that’s could be strange but, instead of open directly from AE CS6, I have to import from CS6 (File>Import>Import File).
P.S. time to upgrade. It always amuses me, all you professional mograph designers who don’t own the latest version.
Hi Ben, is it really worth at this moment? I’m planning upgrade next month? Maybe you can start new thread to see what other authors think about producing CS6 templates?
I had already some issues with CS6. So here are some possible stuff that may be crashing on CS6.
Shadow/Highlight effect. If you try opening up animation when there is adjusment layer with Shadow/Highlight effect, CS6 crashes. I don’t know how to solve this one except delete the Shadow/Highlight effect in CS4…
Curve effect. Sometimes it crashes and gives 0:42 crash code. That has amused me but it has something to do with drivers, in example if Dvix player is installed or some other video, playing/editing apps. So the only solution is to look up the newly installed apps and uninstall them. It has helped for my clients.
Closing composition tabs when there are so many compositions opened so that the sliding bar apears and you try to close the composition tab which is on the right, it suddenly crashes. NOTE: the project has to be originaly created in CS4 and opened in CS6. Solution: First close the composition tabs which are on the left, starting from the first. Don’t know the cause of this crash.
P.S. time to upgrade. It always amuses me, all you professional mograph designers who don’t own the latest version.
Hi Ben, is it really worth at this moment? I’m planning upgrade next month? Maybe you can start new thread to see what other authors think about producing CS6 templates?
I’d say it’s worth it to be working with the new features. You can back save to CS5.5, but unfortunately if you don’t also have CS5.5, you can’t back-save to CS5 from CS6.
Re a thread about CS6 templates…you start the thread, Miseld. There are already far too many threads started by me.
I had already some issues with CS6. So here are some possible stuff that may be crashing on CS6.
Shadow/Highlight effect. If you try opening up animation when there is adjusment layer with Shadow/Highlight effect, CS6 crashes. I don’t know how to solve this one except delete the Shadow/Highlight effect in CS4…
Curve effect. Sometimes it crashes and gives 0:42 crash code. That has amused me but it has something to do with drivers, in example if Dvix player is installed or some other video, playing/editing apps. So the only solution is to look up the newly installed apps and uninstall them. It has helped for my clients.
Closing composition tabs when there are so many compositions opened so that the sliding bar apears and you try to close the composition tab which is on the right, it suddenly crashes. NOTE: the project has to be originaly created in CS4 and opened in CS6. Solution: First close the composition tabs which are on the left, starting from the first. Don’t know the cause of this crash.
File a bug with Adobe. They’re always very interested to learn about anything that crashes Ae. The more details you can give and the more replicable the crash is, the better. It may be to do with your hardware too. Do you have the preference set to hardware accelerate the interface? Is you GPU officially supported?
I had already some issues with CS6. So here are some possible stuff that may be crashing on CS6.
Shadow/Highlight effect. If you try opening up animation when there is adjusment layer with Shadow/Highlight effect, CS6 crashes. I don’t know how to solve this one except delete the Shadow/Highlight effect in CS4…
Curve effect. Sometimes it crashes and gives 0:42 crash code. That has amused me but it has something to do with drivers, in example if Dvix player is installed or some other video, playing/editing apps. So the only solution is to look up the newly installed apps and uninstall them. It has helped for my clients.
Closing composition tabs when there are so many compositions opened so that the sliding bar apears and you try to close the composition tab which is on the right, it suddenly crashes. NOTE: the project has to be originaly created in CS4 and opened in CS6. Solution: First close the composition tabs which are on the left, starting from the first. Don’t know the cause of this crash.
File a bug with Adobe. They’re always very interested to learn about anything that crashes Ae. The more details you can give and the more replicable the crash is, the better. It may be to do with your hardware too. Do you have the preference set to hardware accelerate the interface? Is you GPU officially supported?
Yeah it is. I am all ok with CS4 and CS6 , but my clients had some problems with my items, so I had to investigate how to solve it.
“Just wanted to let you know that I have managed to get the file to work!! Adobe released a few critical updates and the Main Composition has been running (fingers crossed) since I installed (Help—> Updates). Not sure what the issue was, but it’s been working fine so far on my end and thought it might help others.”
Good. Anyone else noticed that Ram Previews are twice slower in CS6 than in CS5.5. Loading the same project, settings in the preferences menu are mirrored in both versions. :stress: Instead of getting simpler and easier it sometimes seems unnecessarily complicated. Good thing the global cache settles the score…