ONE EXTENDED LICENSE themepunch Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

We have recently purchased and installed a Coppola theme and all its plugins.
All plugins are upgradeable from WP, except for Slider Revolution that ask us license code that we have not in a bundle.
We attach the content of “LICENSE CERTIFICATE : Envato Market Item” related to Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin, and as you can see there does not seem to be any license (if we are not mistaken), even if it claim that we have an extended license:

This document certifies the purchase of:
as defined in the standard terms and conditions on Envato Market.

Licensor’s Author Username:
themepunch […]

WP ask us:

There is a new version (6.6.11) of Slider Revolution available. To update directly register your license key now or purchase a new license key to access all premium features.

How can we get the release update or at least security updates?


Hi again,
we have now updated the new one template, downloading the new release from Themeforest, and uploading it from the appearence section, then from appearence section/Install Plugins updated finally Slider Revolution.

Could you confirm us if this will be the only way to upgrade Slider Revolution?

Thanks again.

yes, it is procedure to update the theme bundle premium plugins.
Another way you can purchase a license of the plugin from codecanyon and can get the latest version when will publish.

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Ok, thanks!

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This is bait and switch by its very definition. Same thing with WP bakery. The theme is unusable without the upgrade, therefore the theme is useless and poses security issues. WP bakery claims there is a licensor’s with theme forest, however this is not true. Nowhere does it disclose that when subscribing to envato that you will be using deprecated software. I think we are all entitled to a license initially and then upgrade, its fair. WP bakery appears out of business, but still collects money for a license and there is no option for theme forest etc. I want a resolution and I think everyone deserves an explanation. Or a class action is in order. Show me I’m wrong and I’ll digress.