Hi guys
who of you are getting payouts from Placeit, do you have the amount in your stats for july?
Same, nothing
Hi @StreetD and @Eduard_1337. I’ve just checked with our Finance team - your July earnings from Placeit will be included in next month’s payout, along with the September ones.
how our products integrate to placeit?
Hi @ffeeaarr. There’s some more information about Placeit here:
Some items sold on Elements are used in Placeit’s in-browser mockup creation tool. Where these are used, they generate additional income that’s paid alongside other Elements earnings. This usually happens each month, but there was a delay processing the July earnings, so both July and September will be paid next month.
how about fonts, is there any possibility?
Hi, checking the new statement, again there is no income from the Placeit
Same no income from placeit again
I also did not receive money from Placeit