No shortcodes in Appland

I am new to this forum, so I apologize in advance…

I did a search for the issue I am having, and there was a suggestion to get the latest version of the theme… but I just downloaded and installed Appland this evening, and I don’t see any updates, so I don’t think that’s the problem.

I am walking through the manual for Appland, and I came to 4.4- Adding an iPhone Portrait Slider, which is what I want. I see that there is supposed to be a button for shortcodes. When I click on this button, I do not get a dropdown menu. Nothing appears. I tried it in multiple browsers, but I’m still not seeing the dropdown menu. Running latest Mac OS with Chrome and Appland 1.2.2

Not sure what I’m doing wrong here. I am learning as I go. Any help is greatly appreciated. I even tried to follow the instructions to update the theme using this guide:

But I can’t even find the Envato Wordpress toolkit. I can find lots of references to it, but not the actual plugin.


You should contact theme’s author for supporting. :smile: