Why can’t I contact anyone at metropolitantheme for an issue I’m having with their template. This is support I paid for and I get no response. Not even a “hey we got your message, we’ll be in touch.” I can’t even get ahold of Envato to see if this template supplier is legit. How can I contact Envato to let them know one of their suppliers is not responding.
Which of their items is it?
You can reach envato here but it will depend a lot on how long ago you contacted them, how you reached out to them, and what the exact issue is.
I clicked the “Go to Item Support” button. Am taken to their website. Click their 24/7 support link, am taken to a chat window that no one is ever at, then fill out the form they provide. I did that Friday, Monday, then again yesterday. The website I built using the template I purchased from metropolitantheme has elements that are no longer showing. I don’t see issues on my end and want to see how to fix it. Can you reach out to metropolitantheme to get them to respond?
What’s the actual theme name/link?
Insubex - Elementor Multipurpose Insurance WordPress Theme
By metropolitantheme# Insubex - Elementor Multipurpose Insurance WordPress Theme
It’s quite an old item - you could try posting on the item comments
So you’re saying I purchased an old template that’s no longer supported? What about the support I paid for? I want a refund if I’m not getting support.
If you’re not paid additional support, the current 6 months comes with the item. You cannot request refund for the support.
I just paid for the additional support (past the 6 months). I can’t get that refunded. I paid for the additional support on Friday right before I first reached out to them. If I can’t get that refunded, how can I verify a company is legitimate on this platform before paying for additional support?
I suggest you to be a little bit patient before requesting refund. If you still want to, you can request for the additional support.