NikFek - Elite Author

Hello everyone! Want to share the incredible news: I’m an elite author on Videohive! For the past 3 years as I a member of the Envato community, and to be honest I never dreamed of becoming an ELITE author! AAH! It’s amazing!


You worked hard and totally deserved it!
On Envato dreams come true :slight_smile:

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It’s true!!! :slight_smile:

Any practical advice for someone almost lvl 5 (10 more sales needed)?
Focus on making more items? Watching trends? Any promotion ideas?

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hi Nik, I’m using your elegant slideshow-photo slideshow but cant seem to remove the letters in the background, even though I turned off text and text box. Want a plain black background. thanks


Congrats!! :smiley: I’m truly suprised by your photo slideshow collection. It seems like such a saturated category but still you managed and still manage to navigate it successfully. Well done :confetti_ball: