New on AJ : track accepted + first sales!

After lurking for 2 years, I decided to upload a track 7 days ago and (try to) join the AJ authors.

Last night I got a message to say that the track was approved and today I made my first sale! :slightly_smiling:

(link removed: self-promotion)

Feedback comments or any tips for future tracks are very welcome to improve my song writing and mixing skills.

Thanks in advance,


Great track! Deserves a lot of sales! :slight_smile: Congrats!

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That’s great, Peter. Congrats and welcome aboard!

Sounds like you’re on the right track. I look forward to hearing more from you! Best of luck!


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Hey there, many congratulations!

We know the feeling - trust us! We only joined this month and we also had our first sales recently.

The stock audio market is not a sprint - it’s a marathon (like many others stated countless times here on the forums). So keep it up, keep writing and producing, set goals and success will come even before you’ll realize it.

See you around and good luck for the future! :slightly_smiling:

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Thanks for the comments and making me feel welcome!

PS : sorry for the link, must read the rules a bit better! :pensive:


‘Author Level 1’ badge just received, I begin my marathon… :slightly_smiling:



Excellent debut with your new track Cine Tracks and wellcomed on board.
The first advice as been said by PremiumNotesLibrary is keep working for the long term and there will be fruits for the hard work when you reach to get a big portfolio. :slight_smile:

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Congratulations Peter! Hope you have a great 2016 here at AudioJungle :smile:

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