New field on upload page: "Files Included".

Hello everyone!
I notice that we have new field on upload page. And it confuse me a little bit.
If my item includes pre-rendered image sequence, do I need to select “Image Files” or “Video Files”?
What does “Design Files” mean?

“Design Files” can be for example Photoshop files that you have used in the design of the template. Anything that is part of the design and is not included inside the .aep or that doesn’t fall in one of the previous categories, like “Image Files”, “Vector Files”, etc.

For the “Video vs Image Files” a reviewer can answer best.

I would say “Image Files”, since you are including a sequence of images and not a video. If you select “Video Files”, customers could get confused if they don’t know that those images can be imported as a sequence.

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