Need some feedback for my new theme


what you think about my new Theme?
Do you think it will have a chance or they reject it?

Here is a link to a demo page:

Thank you!

You must improve its quality. For now do not try to upload it and put it on review process. Kindly spend more time on design and its typography. Make more demo and improve your HTML code too.

Hey thank you for you answer.
You and MusicTube both said i should work on typography.
I’m not sure what this means. Can you explain it please? :slight_smile:

Thank you

Find the website of the big brand you like. The big brand with a good looking website. Copy their typography. Font family, size, weight… all aspects of the typography. You will figure out later how it works, because it’s not something that come overnight. Until you learn how to compose a great typography system yourself – copy from the masters. Same for colors. Don’t create your palette but copy it from a great looking website. No one will blame you for copying font styles or colors.

By copying you learn. When I was young I did copy images with heroes. Now I draw myself pretty well. Same for design.