Need help on rejected item

Hi there

I’ve uploaded a wordpress plugin which now gets soft rejected twice and i can’t really understand the reasons.
The plugin is a payment gateway extension for woocommerce.
First rejection message was

The documentation is a little lacking.
Most importantly, remember that buyers may not be technically inclined. They may just be looking for an item to drop into their existing code base. Also keep in mind that a typical user won’t really know about all the features your system brings to the table. With them in mind, you should also look into providing a quick start guide of some sort. It need not be long: a short one will do.
You can use a premade template or the Documenter tool for your documentation, both linked below:
The Documenter - Envato Forums
As a courtesy, preventive check: - Make sure that the code doesn’t raise any PHP errors, notices or warnings. Enable WP_DEBUG. - Include CSS/JS file the right way using wp_enqueue - Please do not deregister or ignore the default version of jQuery being used by the theme and load a custom version. - Make sure no deprecated methods are being used by the plugin. The above plugin will catch most of them so just do a quick check.

After this i’ve rewrote the “documentation” of my plugin.
It includes a description of what the plugin does, lists all system requirements and shows a short installation step-by-step that is more like a “how to install a plugin”, cause the plugin itself has notes of what to do on every little settings in the admin area.
This documentation mentations this notices after the install step-by-step.

After resubmission the plugin is now once more rejected with the following message

Unfortunately, the changes to the documentation are not enough and the previous review still stands. Please carefully check your item to make sure all problems were adequately addressed before resubmitting this item.

Now i got lost.
I would like to fix the “problems”, but what are those?
Do i have to explain what a payment gateway is? But that seems silly, nobody buys one not knowing what that is.
Is the installation guide to general, cause it just discribes how to install the plugin and further says to watch for “internal guides”? But i thought “It need not be long: a short one will do.”?

I hope somebody can help me with some tips what could be the “problem”.

thanks in advance for every help.

Can you upload your documentation somewhere so I can have a look?

Also do double check with WP_DEBUG that there’s no errors/notices in your code.

thanks @baileyherbert for trying to help me.
you can find the documentation here

I can’t find any errors WP_DEBUG throws for my plugin.